Radiance at the navel meditation


Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet hip distance apart and heels away from the sit bones. Let the bones of your body rest back to the earth.  Yield completely, feel the earth holding you.  Notice the imprint that your body makes to the earth. Sense your weight and your height. Imagine that you are lying on a warm beach and as you exhale sense yourself sinking back into the sand.  

Place your hands to your belly with your fingertips pointing down towards your pubic bone.  Notice your breath moving, feel your navel lift up and down.  Feel a softening and a  widening across your low belly.  Feel your breath move into your lower spine and abdomen. Visualize a hollow opening within your navel, like a small sinkhole dropping into sand. Sense a connection to the fibers that lie about an inch below the navel.

Imagine the depths of your navel sinking into wet sand feel this soften and widen your whole abdomen.

Become aware of the way the navel refers all the way back to the front of your spine. Breathe to the back of your abdominal wall. 

Imagine the sun shining here at your deep centre, the rays of the sun spreading out across your belly.

Breathe from your centre out. Feel the breath move from your core towards the periphery of your body. Imagine rays of the sun spreading out from your belly and warming your whole body. Bathe in radiant sensation. Sense here the power, purpose and will that is your manipura chakra, the hara or dan tien. Connect to the feeling of joy that is your deep centre. The place of knowing and intuition. Listen and sense with your fingertips the prana moving beneath your hands. Feel the presence and the soothing nature of this diaphragmatic breath.

Continue to drop inward, connecting to your deep centre for the next 5-10 minutes.


So Hum meditation


The Sun