So Hum meditation
Meditation Gourmet Yoga Meditation Gourmet Yoga

So Hum meditation

I love practising with mantra and I find it deepens my practice in profound ways. The simple repetition of syllables takes you to a place of peace and stillness.

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Radiance at the navel meditation
Meditation Gourmet Yoga Meditation Gourmet Yoga

Radiance at the navel meditation

Imagine the sun shining here at your deep centre, the rays of the sun spreading out across your belly. Breathe from your centre out. Feel the breath move from your core towards the periphery of your body. Imagine rays of the sun spreading out from your belly and warming your whole body

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The Fluid Body and Aging Well
Meditation Gourmet Yoga Meditation Gourmet Yoga

The Fluid Body and Aging Well

Fluid is the medium of life. It is our essential force. Most of what we call aging is actually just a process of drying out. Ellen shares her knowledge on how to hydrate the deep musculature of the body and a meditation.

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